IQAC AQAR 2021-22

1.1.2 & 1.2.2 BOS and Academic council (Minutes of Meetings)

1.1.3 & 1.2.1 syllabus all dept

1.3.2 & 1.3.3 roll list
Civil Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year
Computer Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year
Information Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
Chemical Engineering : First, SY, SY (DA), Third, Final Year, BHR value added.
Petro Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year

1.3.4 Internship
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering: Second ,Third, Final Year
Information Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg: Internship, BTETF611,BTEXF412,BTMEP803 Internship,BTMEP803 Project Part-II
Chemical Engineering
Petro Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: internship, Certificates

1.4.1 & 1.4.2_feedback
Alumni feedback Petro
COMP_Feedback (Program exit survey)
Feedback CHEM
IT_Faculty and student feedback on curriculum IT 21-22
parents teacher meet feedback_petro
Students feedback_petro