1.1.2 & 1.2.2 BOS and Academic council (Minutes of Meetings)
- Academic Council
- BOS minutes of Meetings:
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Information Technology
Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Petro Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
1.1.3 & 1.2.1 syllabus all dept
- Civil Engineering : First, Second and Third Year, Final Year
- Computer Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year
- Information Technology :First, Second, Third, Final Year
- Electrical Engineering: Second, Third, Final Year
- Electronics and Telecommunication Engg: Second Year, Third & Final Year
- Chemical Engineering: Second Year
- Petro Chemical Engineering: Second Year ,Value added 1, Value added 2,Value added 3,Value added 4
- Mechanical Engineering: Second, Third, Final Year
- First Year :
1.3.2 & 1.3.3 roll list
Civil Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year
Computer Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year
Information Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
Chemical Engineering : First, SY, SY (DA), Third, Final Year, BHR value added.
Petro Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: First, Second, Third, Final Year
1.3.4 Internship
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering: Second ,Third, Final Year
Information Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg: Internship, BTETF611,BTEXF412,BTMEP803 Internship,BTMEP803 Project Part-II
Chemical Engineering
Petro Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: internship, Certificates
1.4.1 & 1.4.2_feedback
Alumni feedback Petro
COMP_Feedback (Program exit survey)
Feedback CHEM
IT_Faculty and student feedback on curriculum IT 21-22
parents teacher meet feedback_petro
Students feedback_petro
4.1.1 Teaching – Learning Facilities
4.1.2 Facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games
(indoor, outdoor) and sports. (gymnasium, yoga center, auditorium, etc.)
- Yoga
- Sports (Indoor & Outdoor)
- Hostel Gym
- NCC Unit Annual Report
- NSS Activities In University
- Sports PO
- Gym PO
4.1.3 Availability of General Campus Facility and Overall ambience
- Cr413 Construction Basket Ball Gagangiri Hostel
- Cr413 Ext Paint Canteen 2021-22
- Cr413 Guest Housetiling 2021-22
- Cr413 Intrnal Work Library 2021-22
- Cr413 kdpastonepetrodept 2021-22
- Cr413 LwnWrkbatu 2021-22
- Cr413 MaintanSocietyShop 2021-22
- Cr413 PaintPrincplBuglow 2021-22
- Cr413 PaintRepairgusthuse 2021-22
- Cr413 PaintRiagdDarshn 2021-22
- Cr413 Partationsubcentr 2021-22
- Cr413 PaverBlockVCLdge 2021-22
- Cr413 PlayGrounddhavalgiri 2021-22
- Cr413 PlstPaintVCBuglw 2021-22
- Cr413 PlstrMainBuildg 2021-22
- Cr413 ReapirRplcerof 2021-22
- Cr413 RenovtinRecnstr 2021-22
- Cr413 Rnvtionsavitripanchganga 2021-22
- Cr413 SainitryFittgs 2021-22
- Cr413 StatueConst 2021-22
- Cr413 StoneLaying 2021-22
- Cr413 WodnFloringSubcenter
- Cr413 WodnFloringSubcenter
- Cr413CemntRdSubstnChandrabhaga 2021-22
- Cr413paintsvtrindryanigdvrii 2021-22
1. Administration
2. Finance and Accounts
3. Student Admission and Support
4. Examinationem, promotional avenues and effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
6.4.1 – Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources
6.4.4 – Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly
6.5.2 – 6.5.2 – Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance
1. Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow-up action taken
2. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted
3. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
4. Orientation programme on quality issues for teachers and students
5. Participation in NIRF
6. Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international
agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)